All On 4 Course

An overview of the All On 4 Course, below

Course Overview

The All-on-4® treatment concept is a proven technique that is here to stay.Consolidating this idea into your office will put you at the cutting edge of clinical practice and put you at the forefront of clinical practice. GUIDE FACULTY will share their unique collaborative experience with you and teach you champion techniques that will demystify and simplify surgical and prosthetic procedures for the All-on-4® treatment concept. Using a variety of multimedia modalities, as well as a clinically relevant, hands-on prosthetic simulation, they will show you how your team can treat patients with the efficiency and profitability of a dental implant center.

This course is intended for surgical-restorative teams who are competent in dental implant rehabilitation and want to increase their expertise in this area of knowledge


♦ Be familiar with the indications for the All-on-4® treatment concept and patient  selection.
♦ Be able to efficiently perform clinical and radiographic patient evaluations.
♦ Be able to develop a surgical-prosthetic blueprint to guide treatment.
♦ Understand pre-treatment laboratory procedures.
♦ Be able to confidently apply surgical techniques for ridge preparation, implant placement, and soft-tissue management.
♦ Learn procedures for the immediate-load prosthesis using a unique, clinically relevant, hands-on simulation with articulators.
♦ Understand the design and fabrication of the definitive restoration.
♦ Understand short- and long-term maintenance procedures.



When you complete this course you are confident as the entire team is very approachable and a store house of knowledge. The best part of this course is their special attention and perfection.
Rotary Endodontics
Dr. Linosca
Endodontics course was very knowledgeable. The tricks of finding canals were valuable. All my woes of root canal therapy were looked into and now I feel confident to perform RCT on patients. Over the shoulder mentoring and easily approachable staff made the course very lively and interesting, I strongly recommend this course to other dentists.
Dr. Uma Krishnan

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6 days which includes Observership, Assistantship and Clinical Exposure.

During 6 days SSCDS-FMS-GUIDE  clinical team will show you how the patient will have immediate function and excellent esthetics with a limited number of implants. This course will teach you the skills and know-how to treat edentulous patients using the All-on-4®surgical protocol, from patient selection to treatment planning, all the way through to the fitting of the prosthesis so you can offer an immediate function to your patients.

∗Live Patient Demonstration