Prior to commencement of surgery, careful and detailed planning is required to identify vital structures such as the inferior alveolar nerve or the sinus, as well as the shape and dimensions of the bone to properly orientate the implants for the most predictable outcome.
- Basic principles of Bone Augmentation,graft materials & membranes.
- Direct Sinus Graft Procedures
- Indirect Sinus Graft Procedures
- Block Only grafts
- Rideg Splitting
- Bone Expansion
- Distraction Osteogenesis
Chin Graft & iliac crest graft procedures
Socket preservation
Soft Tissue Grafts in Implants
Cadaver training
- An opportunity to assist the surgeons during all the above procedures
- Certain Grafting procedures will be handled by the participant under the guidance of the faculty
- To practice bone harvesting procedures on cadaver
- The program consists of lectures, discussion demonstrations and hands-on, evaluations and interactive video presentations
- State-of-the-art library facility with easy access to latest books and journals
- The participant will be able to practice Implant dentistry even in compromised bone situations by using various grafting techniques