Consultant Prosthodontist, FMS Dental HospitalsDepartment of Prosthodontics, SSCDS, Vikarabad.
Dr. Kavya is highly skilled in delivering good aesthetics and cosmetic results, especially in full mouth rehabilitation patients to their best satisfaction. She has also completed her training in smile designing and maxillofacial prosthesis. She has presented many papers and posters in various national and international conferences. She has credited many publications in her profile.
Noble Biocare Implant
Maxillofacial Prosthetics
Smile designing
Fellow of the academy of general education, MAHE
Best paper presentation, PG convention, 2012
Prosthodontic management of congenitally missing lateral incisors an integrated approach. Indian J Dent Adv 2013; 5(2): 1219-1221
A time saving method to fabricate a custom ocular prosthesis.Journal of Orofacial Research, Janurary-March 2013; 3(1); 42-45
Revival of the Eclipsed: The 5th Dimension of a Prosthodontist. International Journal Of Dental Clinics 2011:3(1):71-74